
WebCam Traffic (camera Route 139)


by Fujigoko.TV

*HOME / WebCam Traffic (camera Route 139)

Hokusai's Works (Fine Wind, Clear Morning - hirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji)
We calculated the accurate position where the topography of Mt. Fuji and ridgelines of  Hokusai's Works.


WebCam Traffic (camera Route 139)

Mt. Fuji

Yamanakakohill / LakeYamanakako / Nagaike / OshinoHakkai(HighQ) / Oshino / Oshinohill
ToriiFuji / Mt.Fuji 5th / Worship Fuji / Funatsu / LakeKawaguchi / KawaOhishi / KawaOhishi2
KatsuyamaFuji / Mom's Fall Kawaguchi / NorthKawaguchi / Narusawa Park / LakeSaiko-Jyukai
LakeShojiko / LakeMotosuko / Dr.Village / FujiganeGolf / AsagiriFuji / BigvalleyFuji
HokusaiShibakawaFuji / TeaFarmFuji / SusonoRiverFuji / SubashiriFuji

View & Traffic

LakeKawaguchiko / LakeKawaguchikoPark / LakeYamanakako / Asumiko
Route139Fujiyoshida / Aquarium
YouTube FujigokoTV(now 5 Locations)

The following images are not updating the current time.
Please note that the inconvenience.



Live cameras are placed around the Mt. Fuji.

Please update the image is forced to reread the browser included.

If you have not updated the status of the equipment.


*HOME / WebCam Traffic (camera Route 139)

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