


by Fujigoko.TV

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Hokusai's Works (Fine Wind, Clear Morning - hirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji)
We calculated the accurate position where the topography of Mt. Fuji and ridgelines of  Hokusai's Works.



Mt. Fuji

Yamanakakohill / LakeYamanakako / Nagaike / OshinoHakkai(HighQ) / Oshino / Oshinohill
ToriiFuji / Mt.Fuji 5th / Worship Fuji / Funatsu / LakeKawaguchi / KawaOhishi / KawaOhishi2
KatsuyamaFuji / Mom's Fall Kawaguchi / NorthKawaguchi / Narusawa Park / LakeSaiko-Jyukai
LakeShojiko / LakeMotosuko / Dr.Village / FujiganeGolf / AsagiriFuji / BigvalleyFuji
HokusaiShibakawaFuji / TeaFarmFuji / SusonoRiverFuji / SubashiriFuji

View & Traffic

LakeKawaguchiko / LakeKawaguchikoPark / LakeYamanakako / Asumiko
Route139Fujiyoshida / Aquarium
YouTube FujigokoTV(now 5 Locations)




Live cameras are placed around the Mt. Fuji.

Please update the image is forced to reread the browser included.

If you have not updated the status of the equipment.


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